Friday 23 September 2011

Microwaves Destroy Nutrients

I’m actually kind of glad that this rumor is floating around both the cyber world and real world "teachers" of healthy living seminars. I get a good chuckle when I hear someone ranting about how microwaves alter the molecular structure of food and destroy its nutritional value. As previously noted, microwaves have no where near the power, or the right wavelength of EM waves that would be required to accomplish this.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Microwaves - Electromagnetic waves

How often have you talked about heating up something in the microwave and used the term "nuke it"? That phrase has been used over the years and some have interpreted the phrase to imply that a device of nuclear proportions exists right there on their kitchen counter. Let's play a little word association game for a minute; we'll start at "nuclear". Ready? "Nuclear...atomic power plants...atom bomb... radiation...nuclear fallout". Scary? Yep! I’m also scared at where we ended up. Rest assured that your microwave oven is no where near capable of splitting any atoms and your home address will never be synonymous with Chernobyl!

Sunday 18 September 2011


There is far too much to say about microwaves and their safety (or lack of) to state all at once in a single blog. So I am  going to break it down into a couple of sections. That will give you some time to digest all the information and, in the end, make an informed decision from all of the information.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

"If You Can't Pronounce It, Don't Eat It"?

"If You Can't Pronounce It, Don't Eat It". How many times have you heard that phrase? Perhaps the more important question is: How many times have you, yourself said that phrase...or lived by it?